Here’s a little vox-pop piece from the archives, originally made for smartphone manufacturer Palm, via Bite Communications and delivered in glorious standard definition video.
We despatched small crews to festivals around the UK where visitors to Palm’s stand were offered manicures while trying out the company’s latest Palm Pixi device. An ingenious campaign, even if the British weather proved variable.
From a production perspective, filming opinions in the streets can be tricky. You need to be properly prepared, be able to think on your feet and have endless amounts of patience but sometimes, there’s nothing quite like it for illustrating the demand (or potential demand) for a product or service. Alas, that was nowhere near enough to ensure the company’s survival. Despite their innovative tech, nothing could stop the march of Apple back in those days and poor old Palm went up the Swanee in 2011.
Still, it’s a good feeling when with microphone in hand, you finally get into the production groove. Famously, we once shot 178 back-to-back vox-pop interviews for a promotional campaign…but that’s another story entirely.